FQSS213-Q3 - 213 nm laser with 1.5 µJ, max 2.5 kHz

Passively Q-switched 213 nm laser with 1.5 µJ and max. rep rate of 2.5 kHz
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The CryLaS Q series lasers are diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSS lasers) based on a microchip design. This consists of an Nd:YAG resonator with a directly coupled saturable absorber which works as a passive Q-switch. The compact housing and easy operation make the lasers an optimum light source for applications that require minimal housing dimensions with highest performance. Based on the 1064 nm fundamental, harmonics are generated using non-linear (NLO) crystals that allow a wide spectrum of laser wavelengths from 1064 nm to 213 nm. The FQSS213-Q3 laser emits pulses with approximately 1 ns pulse width at 213 nm, and can be modulated from single shot to 2.5 kHz. The pulse energy is 1.5 µJ at 1 kHz. CryLaS lasers impress with their easy installation, service-free operation and long service life. This makes them ideal for OEM applications and demanding laboratory setups.

  • Laser apparatus and instruments
  • laser
  • Solid-state laser
  • Q-switch

Product characteristics

213 nm
Pulse energy
1.5 µJ
1.5 kW
Pulse Width
1 ns
Average Power
1.5 mW
Repetition Rate
2.5 kHz
Beam diameter
< 0.45 mm
Spatial Mode
Holography, engraving, photo acoustics, LIBS, mass spectroscopy, photo luminescence


Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

12459 Berlin - Germany
