Vitamin D3 1,000 I.U. Mono-Tablets

Capsules and tablets
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Vitamin D is essential for many vital functions. Vitamin D3, the active form of the vitamin in the body, plays an important role in achieving strong bones and teeth, a vitalised immune system and healthy muscle functions. The body can produce vitamin D3 itself through the sun's rays, which is why it is also referred to as the "sun vitamin". Young people and older people can suffer a vitamin D3 deficiency, generally in the winter months, but also due to our modern lifestyles, which is why a nutritional supplement is recommended. Each capsule contains 25 μg vitamin D3 corresponding with 1,000 I.U.

  • Protein additives
  • Mono Tablets
  • Vitamin Tablets

Product characteristics

Art. No.

Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

73342 Bad Ditzenbach - Germany
