Thread Herring

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Uses: You can hook them through the nose in the same place as whitebait and they make a very good cut bait when bottom fishing with dead bait. Thread herring can be rigged and trolled, or used whole or as cut bait when bottom fishing. If there is no current or it is light you can hook the thread through the area where the pelvic fin is attached to the body. A popular bait fish for tarpon, king mackerel,(Spanish mackerel) blacktip and spinner sharks, jack crevalle, redfish and snook. The threads make a great chum when cut into very small pieces and dropped overboard into the current or dropped to the bottom in a chum basket. Thread herring are also ground into frozen chum sold in dispenser bags and bulk boxes

  • Food - import-export
  • Herring
  • Herring Thread

Product characteristics

Reefer Container – 18° Degrees C

Domain icon Wholesaler

3863BV Bv Nijkerk - Netherlands
